Electronics Lab
This lab deals with various electronic techniques and to serve as a platform for understanding the operating principles of active and passive components, basic DC power supply through experiments and also to study their characteristics .logic gates, Flip-flops are constructed by the students and tested using truth table. Specially designed PLC to operate under industrial environment (conveyor control, timer, lift control). This lab encourages students to construct various interesting electronic circuit.
Communication Lab
TThe students are given experiments involving working of antennas, filters and microphones designing the modulation and demodulation using ASK ,PSK ,FSK,PWM,PPM, and TDM in depth knowledge of students in optical analog link, optical digital link and voice link. Students learn to install the DTH with TV demonstration. P-SPICE, Multisim software are used for simulation
Students learn to program in VHDL, C program, and assembly language. Study of FPGA Spartan kit and ARM processor Kit in this laboratory well training is given to each students to design and developing various basic combinational circuits, seven segment, Led’s and interfacing peripherals. Students benefits the knowledge to synthesize using Xilinx ISE software and Keil Software
This lab provides a platform to the students to know the various indicators, switches, SMPS, motherboard and various disk drives used in computers. Students gain the practical knowledge about installation of device like printer , scanner, web camera and biometric devices. Well training is given to assemble checking of PC systems and laptop. Impart the knowledge on network like, Cabling, Internet, connection and able to debug network issues.
Microcontroller LAB
Students are given learning in 8/16 bit microcontroller in this laboratory .Individual training is given to each student by providing each student with a separate microcontroller. This gives each student benefits the basic knowledge to write the coding independently and to master the programming. Interfacing of various peripherals like stepper motor, Dc motor, DAC, Traffic light, ADC and seven segment as a development tool helps the student carryout real time Experiments.